
Showing posts from March, 2024

Question and answer

 1. Why do people blog? People blog for various reasons! Some do it to share their passions, experience, or expertise. Others use it as a creative outlet or to connect with individual minds. It is also use as platform to express themselves and to engage in wider audience. It is great way to share knowledge, inspire others, or simply document their journey. Whether it's to connect with others, share expertise, or generate income, blogging serves as a versatile platform that meets various needs and interests, enriching both bloggers and their audiences 2.Who is active blogger in the country? a. Denkars' Gateway Tshering Denkar is popular blogger who write and maintain blogs out of deep passion for travelling destination. She encourages audience to travel and enjoy scenic beauty of the country. Driven by her passion, she typically post regularly and maintain consistent blogging schedule, providing fresh and relevant content to readers. She significantly contributes to the blogging